Gwefan Ymgyrch / Campaign Website

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Thursday, 1 November 2007


I am not the only one today feeling a sense of emotional shock and sadness that Ray Gravell is no longer with us, he will always remain 'yma o hyd'. Even though I only met him a few times I have a sense of personal loss, that a part of Wales has passed away, that a talisman for the culture of Wales has passed away and that a man who cared deeply for his 'bro' and 'milltir sgwar' has passed away so far away from home. Huw Llywelyn Davies said it all this morning when he quoted from Hedd Wyn by R Williams Parry
Troedio wnest ei rhedyn hi,
Hunaist ymhell ohoni.
(Tread you did its bracken,
You fell asleep far from it.)
Our sympathies are with the family at this difficult time.

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