Gwefan Ymgyrch / Campaign Website

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Sunday, 8 March 2009

Should we call it Liberal Democrat 'double standards' or 'hipocrisy'

Our MP's much publicised questionnaire on health really needs to be exposed as the campaigning data gathering exercise that is actually is. Even though I am an on the Electoral Register in Ceredigion, you shouldn't be surprised that I didn't receive a copy since it is extremely unlikely that I would crop up on a Liberal Democrat database as a supporter or potential supporter. It was targetted at a specific demographic in order to collect information.
I am pleased that Mr Smith from New Quay came to the same conclusion. It is worth reading Helen Mary Jones AM as reported in the Tivyside Advertiser, it says it all. What right do the Liberal Democrats have in collecting information about an individual's health in order to use it later? Absolutely none.

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