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Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Calls for scallop survey during dredging ban.

Plaid Cymru’s Penri James has called for a comprehensive survey of scallop beds in Cardigan Bay during the current prohibition on scallop dredging in the area.

The Plaid Cymru Westminster Candidate for Ceredigion believes that such a survey will assist in developing a sustainable scallop fishery in the Bay.

Calling for a survey of scallop beds, Penri James said:

“Now that scallop fishing in Cardigan Bay has been put on hold until next year, I believe that it’s essential that every effort is made to produce a detailed survey of the scallop beds in the area.

“The Wales Fisheries Strategy 2008 seeks to produce a sustainable scallop fishery in the Bay and a sustainable fishery needs a baseline to work from. It will guide the appropriate amount of fishing effort once it is reopened next year.

“As a result, I would like to see the Welsh Assembly Government, Countryside Council for Wales and the North Western and North Wales Sea Fisheries Committee bring forward proposals to commission such work.

“Of course, I am concerned about the effect the recently-announced temporary ban on scallop dredging will have on local fishermen. However, I also believe that the over-dredging of scallops in the area is a serious threat to their businesses as well as a threat to the local environment”.

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