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Sunday, 11 January 2009

Tax Office closure (2)

I remain uneasy about the consultation process regarding the Tax Office in Aberystwyth and have been in contact with Bronwen Morgan, Chief Executive of Ceredigion County Council. She is adamant that the Council did not receive a request for consultation and cannot get a reply from HMRC whether they did so or not. I find it unbelivable that the HMRC is not responding to a sensible request from Ceredigion Council.
However, it remains the case that the County Council and the responsible Liberal Democrat Cabinet Member was aware that the HMRC was thinking of closing the Aberystwyth Office. Nothing proactive was done to engage with HMRC, and even if he wasn't formally requested to respond, he should have been doing so anyway. His unnecessary personal attack on Cllr Ellen ap Gwynn in the Cambrian News last week was inappropriate. Another example of Liberal Democrats being reactive rather than proactive.

1 comment:

Penri James said...

This is the press release 22-02-2007

Plaid Cymru Councillors receive unanimous support for Tax Office Motion.

Ceredigion County Councillors have unanimously supported a Plaid Cymru motion in support of Aberystwyth’s Tax Office Workers. The motion, which was proposed by Councillor Paul James and seconded by Councillor Alun Williams calls on Ceredigion County Council to do all that it, can to oppose job cuts at the local Revenue and Customs office.

Following the Council’s plenary meeting, Cllr Alun Williams, Plaid Cymru’s Counillor for Aberystwyth’s Bronglais ward, said:

“I’m glad that we received unanimous support from all County Councillors today. This is a matter which is of concern to everyone in Ceredigion since it concerns the principle of having services available locally. These Tax Office job cuts will affect everyone in the county and it’s important that we do all that we can as a united Council to oppose these plans, regardless of political beliefs.

“Cutting down the workforce from 40 to 3 at Aberystwyth’s Revenue and Customs Office will have a devastating effect on the local economy. The Westminster Government’s policy of centralisation completely contradicts the National Assembly’s attempts to move civil service jobs to Aberystwyth”.

Plaid Cymru’s Councillor for Llanbadarn (Sulien) ward, Cllr Paul James, added:

“These are relatively well-paid posts at the Tax Office, and workers will be unable to find similar employment in the area. With the new Assembly Building at Aberystwyth due to open next year, new employment opportunities will be made available so there is hope that workers at the Tax Office will be offered training so that they can apply for employment with the Welsh Assembly’s Civil Service.

“The Council’s Cabinet has already taken the decision to write to various officials including the Paymaster General and Chancellor to object to the proposals to reduce workers at the Tax Office. The unanimous support received today shows that these letters convey the sentiments of us all and that we are opposing these job cuts as one united Council”.